Bank Data Base

This project was done in the middle of my fall 2019 semester during ICS 212. We were instructed to create a Bank Database in which we had to write code to add, remove, modify, and print records in a linked list. We were given appoximately two weeks to complete the project and were instructed to not recieve help from peers or the internet.

When the code is executed, a menu appears asking for an input from the “banker” asking whether they wanted to add, remove, modify, or print a record. The user inputs a number corresponding to the action they want to execute and is asked to fill in information, such as a name, address, and account number (In the case of adding a record). When accessing an existing record, in the case of deleting, modifying, or printing a record, the user is asked to input the account number associated with the record, and with that, the program would iterate through the linked list. If a record was found with the account number matching the input, it would take the record and execute the action that it was previously told to do.

This project showed me a true real world situation in which a person walks up to a bank teller and wants to create an account at that bank. The information was then stored in the data structure in order to access the information, change it, or remove it in the future. This project helped to develop my C and C++ programming skills as I had no previous experience working in these languages. It also taught me lots of patience, because this project spanned for so long, I had time to work on something, and if it wasn’t working at the time, I could go back and work on it the next day. I didnt have to spend all day and all night working on this pulling my hairs out trying to figure out why my code won’t run, instead I managed my time well and was able to sucessfully within the time alotted.