Javascript is a very interesting language that seems very simple and easy to pickup. In previous classes taken, working with very technical variables and data structures such as pointers, arrays and such, this language is definitely much easier to follow, understand, and pick up. One major thing that stood out is the simplicity of the syntax. Creating variables just uses var or let which is very different from the other languages I have learned which require you to define what type of variable it will be, int, string, pointer etc. Most things that taught from the online source code camp was a basic overview of information I previously have known, but I definitely learned lots of new syntax tips and tricks for javascript. One thing that stood out to me was the difference between not only “=” and “==”, but now java script adds a new element in with “===” so that was very interesting.
I believe that at times languages such as c/c++ can be a little too much. Pointers, mainly, get hard to keep track of and having a simple error assigning a single pointer to the wrong value can mess everything in your program up. With Javascript, the thing I most like is its simple look and the fact that you are able to use different syntax to shorten code. Things such as arrays and assigning a value to a key is very straight forward using “:” and commas to seperate items in an array. Functions are definitely easier as well because you dont have to define a function type, just literally type out the word function. This is why I believe that javascript is a good programming language, maybe more so for beginners, because of its simplistic and straight forward design.
I really enjoy this classes style of learning as far as WODs go. It helps to keep myself along with my classmates up to speed essentially. I know that it is still the beginning of the semester but I feel as though this strategy will help me. This will force me to review material before class and study even more, especially if I am having a difficult time on the WODs. Since it is still the beginning I am not stressing too much about this but I know this element of the class will get stressful down the road.